Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Still No TV

No big deal. I don’t need to watch the last half season of Chuck, the show about a nerd who gets all the CIA files ever written downloaded into his brain where he then ‘flashes’ through them when he sees a trigger, like a spy walking out a bathroom or something. He has a cute sister who was on Scrubs too. And why would I need to see the very last season of Scrubs anyway? I’ve only seen every single episode of the show, through the help of Comedy Central reruns. And who needs John Stewart and Colbert to entertain me every for that matter? I think I had only seen like 98% of the Colbert Report since it started so there should be no withdraw from that at all. It’s not like I’m dreaming of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s cleveland’s in Ghost Whisperer or anything. I swear she’s in a baby doll nightie through two thirds of that show. How they manage to get the plot into her house at night every single week I have no idea…I digress. I don’t even care what happens to the gang on LOST. I barely even pay attention when it’s on, who needs to see if Freckles gets her name cleared when coming back from the Island as is hinted in the episode where they are saved from the island but you don’t know it till the end. It’s not like I watched 8 hours of TV a day, 10 if something good was on, on my HD TV with Tivo so I could record all the episodes of 30 Rock, the best new show on TV and maybe the best period, you can catch half the season or more on NBC.com right now if you’re not caught up. Give it a try!

What I’m saying is, it doesn’t affect me at all. I’m not curled up in the fetal position on my bed longing to see what madcap, painfully embarrassing position Michael (Steve Carrell) will put the Office in this week. It’s not like I’ve been watching that show since it’s BBC incarnation or anything. My Name Is Earl? How about My Name Is I Don’t Care If Earl Gets Out Of Prison This Season or If I Find Out Why Crab Man Went Into The Witness Protection Program.

And who gives a crap that this is a record breaking year in the NFL, Just cause Farve is the best football player to play in my generation and he’s having a beauty of a season, and the Pats are undefeated and I’m in the finals of my fantasy league. It’s not like I loved spending all day with my laptop churning stats while I stared transfixed at the games like Bart sat glued to the TV in the episode where they steal cable and he sees his first pair of boobies on a late night movie channel, like I did. “Bart you shouldn’t watch that, that’s for mommies and daddies who love each other,” says Homer when he catches him frantically flipping to the farm report.

Oh, wait, there’s a writers Strike? God bless those unions and their commie agenda. Cool, hopefully it will last till about mid June.

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